Long Distance Dating- Virtual Date Ideas Worth Exploring!

Sometimes it seems that even after a month apart, it starts feeling like it’s been a few years without seeing your honey. You should know that this feeling is normal and there is a solution for that: try coming up with activities which involve you both, keep positive and don’t fall into monotony to make the distance easier on yourselves.    


Here are 14 ideas to make your Skype date more interesting:



#1: Plan A Vacation

This idea brings a lot of excitement. If you have the possibility, plan your next meeting in a special, exotic or unforgettable place. If you can only meet in one of your cities, you should still consider giving time for planning your dream vacation- even if you know you can’t make it in the near/far future. Give the freedom to your fantasy:  maybe diving in Maldives, doing a safari in Africa, attending a festival in Netherlands or travelling on the top of the train in Bangladesh has been your dream… Talk about your dream holidays and find a common one.

Suggest doing some serious research if you’re definitely going there, like getting to know the visa requirements. Even if you don’t have a set date, reading forums and tips online, watching videos on Youtube, planning an itinerary and thinking about a budget would still be fun. Hopefully, at the end of this date (could be a couple dates) you will discover that you are able to make the trip and you might even set a date for that!

Benefit: I’m sure you’ll learn lots about your partner’s dreams, worries, characters and have fun doing it!

#2: Party Together

What you have to do is simple- have and enjoy a party (both sides should go to a party) but give an update to your sweetheart from time to time. This is really helpful for couples who are extroverts- you can enjoy yourself without your partner feeling like they’re left out. Sometimes when I hear about the parties my significant other went to, I feel a bit unhappy- like I wish I could be there.

My friend used to do this all the time with her boyfriend. She used Facetime to send messages, voice snippets or videos. I think I had more online than real parties with him- it connected even not only them, but got me closer to her boyfriend as well! Then, when we talked about him, it felt like I knew him and their relationship better- it was easier to understand her issues if she ever had any.

Not so suitable for those times when you are in the club, but you can still send funny updates 🙂

Benefit: This works out really well if you have a common group of friends- everyone can regularly catch up and have an amazing time together, regardless of the distance.        


#3: Watch Movies Together

Netflix and cuddling is a staple for all couples… Now there are some websites you can use to sync of a video on Youtube or Vimeo. The best one I’ve found was Watch2gether. I prefer to use Skype audio to talk during the video, but you may prefer to watch silently and then to chat about it later. You could also sync a video the traditional way– each of you independently go to the video and then one of you does a countdown for when to click.

Alternate Websites:


Together Tube

Benefit: It’s a nice way to spend the night with almost no effort!          


#4: Play Video Games Together

Spend some quality time together playing games. Get your mind off of things and enjoy each other’s company in a fun way.  If your interested in more intensive games, you can check out STEAM or Humble Bundle. Steam has loads of free games, while Humble Bundle has some of the most affordable games available online. Definitely make sure the game you’re looking at is multiplayer before you pay for it, though!

If you’re willing to spend around $25 each, I recommend building a world together playing MineCraft. You could spend hours and hours creating something fun and pick up where you left off the next time you have your video game date night.

If you prefer mobile games, try Words With Friends or Stickman Golf 2!

#5: Talk All Night While Sharing Music – Virtual Jam Session

Plug.DJ lets you set up a “room” where you can share music with each other via YouTube or by uploading songs. You can take turns sharing your favorite songs and chat via text while you’re listening to the same beats. This can give your traditional long talks a bit of a twist. Perfect option if you or your partner is a music lover!

#6: Play Board Games

It might be a little boring for some, but I’m super competitive and so I like to play games with my significant other sometimes. My partner doesn’t like newer games, so we stick to card games. It’s super easy to play together using Your Turn My Turn. The website is really basic, so it doesn’t slow down your connection if you’re skyping at the same time. There is also a basic text chat on the website if you don’t want to skype while playing.

Alternate Site:


#7: Have a Quiz Night

Following up on the previous suggestion, you can compete with each other using the QuizUp app.  It’s available for iOS and Android devices and has over 200,000 questions in a wide variety of topics. It’s a great virtual date if you cannot be near your computer, but I prefer to use this app while me and my partner are on Skype. It’s fun to compete and then chat (aka trash talk) about the game.

#8: Enjoy Pizza Together (or any other meal you both like)

One fun and simple idea for a Skype date is for both of you to order an identical pizza. Each of you pick half of the pizza’s topping and get it delivered from the same pizza place (if possible). It might sound cheesy to some, but this is an easy way to connect on a small level and set a nice tone for the rest of the Skype date. Talk while enjoying the same toppings to make it feel like you’re a little closer!

The time difference for some of you may not make this possible, but hopefully this gives you some inspiration. If you can’t order identical take-out, you can cook something simultaneously together while on video call. Use the same recipe and joke around while you both attempt to make something delicious..

#9: Take a Virtual Vacation Together

360 Cities has high quality tours of the most popular cities of the world. You could give some insight into your life if the city you live in is on their list of choices. Show your partner where you hang out and your favorite places.

Alternatively, you could virtually visit a city you both want to go and experience it in high definition while speaking via SKYPE. Click here to check out the website.


#10: Teach Each Other

Is there an activity you would like your sweetheart to get involved in with you? Maybe teaching them your daily exercise routine (which can lead to both of you having a new common hobby), or something else like meditation, dancing, cooking or any activity related to self-growth.

I was actually inspired to write this idea by my friend. He used to spend some of his Skype dates teaching his lover secrets of becoming an Excel-genius. This date can actually be both fun connecting AND useful!

#11: Learn Together

Surely you have some common interests or passions. Maybe it’s new languages, professional interests or martial arts… Nowadays there are plenty of interesting courses online, moreover, they’re free! Search the courses and find one that you are both interested in (just finding a course will probably take a while and could be a nice date night to learn about your partner’s hidden interests). Check out this amazing website with more almost 3000 free online courses from all over the world.

Benefit: If you schedule study dates and learn together, you will have more motivation, help with the difficult parts of the course and more subjects to talk about with your significant other.


#12: Candlelit Evening with Wine

Change up your routine by incorporating a theme into your next Skype date. One I always liked is for both me and my partner to light about 10 candles around the room. A relaxed mood on both sides really helps to close the distance and get us both on the same page. Just something about it makes it feel special to me. We like to pair this theme with a glass (or three-haha) of wine to really relax and make it feel like a date night. We used to end up getting pretty naughty by the end of these virtual dates!

#13: Shopping Date Night

Schedule some time to visit the mall together. If you both have 3g connections, a video chatting app may be stable enough to allow you to chat together while shopping. If not, just text chat with each other using What’s APP or one of the couples app mentioned in this post. Send photos of what each of you are contemplating purchasing and talk about it. Let your partner help you decide what to buy.

My favorite is the bra shopping. So freaking hot! Ask him which ones are his favorite, and purchases the ones based on his feedback.

#14: Skype Sex

Don’t forget what kind of ending you can give to all of the above Skype date ideas. If you have been in a long distance relationship for a while, you probably have tried this out already, if not, there is nothing embarrassing about it and you should definitely go for it. Here is why:

1. Skype sex helps to compensate the lack of physical bonding which tends to fade away when being apart.

2. Since verbal communication is necessary in Skype sex, you will get to learn what attracts your partner most.

3. I would lie if I said that it can feel as good as actual sex, but it can feel pretty satisfying too.

4. You get to explore yourself. Learning about your body will help you teach your partner when you’re back together! You may even find some new pleasure spots didn’t know existed.

5. Skype sex might bring you to a new connection level with your partner.

6. It’s fun!

#15: SEX toys on LDR

Alternate Websites:


Long distance relationships can be as involving as any other “normal” relationship with all the communication possibilities we have nowadays! There is so much you both can do together… You just need a little bit of creativity. Remember what both of you enjoy, and focus on that- it will feel almost as good as it would feel as if you were together.
Hope you find some of these suggestions helpful- it’s important to break up the routine! If you have more ideas for virtual dates, let me know below!

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